What we do

Working towards a
safer tomorrow

We help our clients gain a full insight of the security environment, focusing precious time and resources to prevent an incident taking place rather than just dealing with its fallout. Utilising the speed and reach of geospatial intelligence analysis and enriching the intelligence picture across data sources, the insights revealed ensure that client decisions are better informed and achieve more positive outcomes.
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Our expertise

Our key products and services

EMDYN works across three key technology disciplines, each one highly relevant to governments and both civilian and military intelligence organisations.

Looking for custom

EMDYN can help you with custom data fusion and analytics capabilities­ made to meet clients' specific needs via a fully integrated intelligence system. We draw from a huge range of data sources to build data analytics and predictive analysis to improve the performance and the speed of your business processes.

With access to rich data sources and the expertise to crystallise the findings, EMDYN ensures that organisations are also better prepared for any future incidents.

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Delivering actionable intelligence since 2008

ABOut us
Founded by CEO Tim Van Renterghem in 2008, EMDYN is a European-based private company with a truly global perspective. EMDYN provides agile intelligence-led solutions to a whole range of security problems, so you can stay in control and ahead of the curve.
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brown and black surfaceby Anton Sharov

Finding solutions to challenging issues

EMDYN platforms are employed throughout the public, private and non-profit sectors in areas such as defence and national security, critical infrastructure, financial services, charities and healthcare. We help organisations quickly find and implement solutions to the most challenging issues they face.
U.S. Marines with Beach and Terminal Operations Company, 1st Landing Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, conduct an external lift of a bulk fuel pump with U.S. Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron (HMH) 361, Marine Aircraft Group 16, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, on Camp Pendleton, California, May 18, 2021.by Joel Rivera-Camacho

Defence &
National Security

Shooting steam at the sky. by Ella Ivanescu

Critical Infrastructure

columns on montreal buildingby Etienne Martin


woman in black tank top sitting on rock beside woman in red and black dressby Esteban Benites

Non-Governmental Organisations

See beyond the threat

Whether you require expert solutions to specific intelligence problems or just some initial advice, EMDYN is a phone call or email away. You can also use our Enquiry Form here

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